VATFACS Membership
It's always a great time to join VATFACS!
|VATFACS Membership Renewal
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It's always a great time to join VATFACS!
VATFACS Membership Renewal
Pro. Membership Option 1
VATFACS /VA ACTE membership for $55 annually (Virginia Association for Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences, Inc. = $25 / Virginia Association of Career and Technical Education = $30). There is a $2.40 service fee.
$57.40Pro. Membership Option 2
Teachers can join ACTE/VA ACTE/VATFACS/NATFCS for $155 annually (Association for Career and Technical Education = $80/Virginia Association for Career and Technical Education = $30/Virginia Association for Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences, Inc. = $25/National Association Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences = $20). There is a $5.30 service fee.
$160.30Student Membership Option
Full-time college or university students may join ACTE/VA ACTE/VATFACS/NATFACS for $10 annually (Association for Career and Technical Education/Virginia Association for Career and Technical Education/Virginia Association for Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences, Inc./National Association Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences). There is a $1.09 service fee.
$11.09Retiree Membership Opt. 1
Retirees may join VATFACS for $10 (Virginia Association for Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences). There is a $1.09 service fee.
$11.09Retiree Membership Opt. 2
Retirees may join VATFACS/VA ACTE for $25 annually (Virginia Association for Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences, Inc./Virginia Association of Career and Technical Education). There is a $1.53 service fee.
$26.53Retiree Membership Opt. 3
Retirees may join ACTE/VA ACTE/VATFACS/NATFACS for $56 annually (Association for Career and Technical Education = $31/Virginia Association for Career and Technical Education = $5/Virginia Association for Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences, Inc = $10/National Association Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences= $10). There is a $2.42 service fee.