Exhibitor Information
The Virginia Association for Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences (VATFACS) invites you to exhibit at the 2024 VATFACS Professional Development Institute to be held at the Hotel Madison and Shenandoah Valley Conference Center, 710 S. Main Street, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801, July 21 – July 24, 2024.
We anticipate approximately 200 Family and Consumer Sciences educators and school administrators in attendance. The VATFACS institute is a great opportunity to meet these educators and share information about your products.
Registration deadline is June 22, 2024.
Set-Up & Display
Main exhibits are planned for Wednesday, July 24, 2024, from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Set up may begin two hours prior to exhibit hours. Exhibits will be located at the Hotel Madison & Shenandoah Valley Conference Center Foyer.
Exhibitor Fees
The exhibit fee is $232. The exhibit fee includes one six-foot draped table, chair, 110 electrical access and wireless internet access and one lunch. Additional lunches may be purchased for $21.00 each.
Exhibitor Registration is available through June 22, 2024.
Promotional Items for Donation
You are invited to donate promotional items for our participants, please contact Toshieba Ragland, VATFACS President, by e-mail at toshiebar@gmail.com.
Character of Exhibits
VATFACS reserves the right to decline or prohibit any exhibit that is not suitable to, or in not in keeping with, the character of the institute. No exhibitor may assign or sublet any portion of the space contracted without approval of the institute planning committee.
Advance Shipping and AV Rental
If it is necessary to ship materials to the hotel, each item must be properly packed and marked with the organization's name (e.g. VATFACS Professional Development Institute) and contact name, date of function, and addressed to Hotel Madison & Shenandoah Valley Conference Center, 710 S. Main Street, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801. Packages should arrive no earlier than July 20, 2024.
Lodging for exhibitors is available at the Hotel Madison and Shenandoah Valley Conference Center at the conference rate. Please see Lodging for additional information. The Lodging Registration deadline is Thursday, June 25, 2024, at 5 p.m.
For more information, please contact Emily O’Connor, Exhibit Coordinator at emilyjoconnor1@verizon.net or (703) 898-5058.
Refund & Cancellation Policy
Please note that once we receive your registration, we cannot issue a refund of your fee. If you find you are unable to attend, we invite you to transfer your registration to a colleague.
For weather or disaster-related program cancellation or postponement iinformation, please call (703) 898-5058.
If you are a person with a disability and require any auxiliary aids, services, or other accommodations (including dietary accommodations not included on the registration form) for this program, please discuss your accommodation needs with Toshieba Ragland, toshiebar@gmail.com and Emily O'Connor, emilyjoconnor1@verizon.net at least two weeks prior to the Institute.